• the submission of a written notice requesting for the same and
  • the payment of a non-refundable fee
  • Timetable – The timetable for the application and evaluation process;
  • Application fees;
  • Evaluation criteria to be applied;
  • Type and number of licenses to be issued and any conditions that may apply;
  • The area to which the license will relate;
  • Any requirement that may be necessary or desirable
  • Probity and investigations – The Authority conducts probity inquiries to establish the authenticity of declarations both locally and internationally. Applicants are also subject to anti- money laundering screening.
  • Evaluation of key variables – The Authority may consider key variables such as economic contributions, social development and financial soundness of the application.
  • Evaluation Criteria – The Authority may further consider relevant factors such as empowerment and community benefits, the proposed Management Capability and Structure.