

The Malawi Gaming and Lotteries Authority (MAGLA) is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament. It is charged with the responsibility of licensing of Gaming and Lotteries. It has the power to regulate all gaming and lottery activities in the country and to undertake some ancillary and operational functions associated with these principal

The Authority was formed from a merger between Malawi Gaming Board (MGB) and National Lotteries Board (NRB).

Our Mission

Regulate the Gaming and Lotteries industry to promote a positive social economic impact.

Our Vision

A responsible and vibrant
Gaming and Lottery industry

Our Core Values

• Professionalism • Integrity • Transparency and Accountability • Innovation

Meet Our Executive Management

Rachel Mijiga

Director General

Dumbo Muwalo

Director of Finance & Administration

Lawrence Chikoko

Director of Operations

Owen Chuma

Director of Legal Services (Acting)